__/\__ ( / \ ) |\ | |----- \ | / /------ --/ \-- | \ | |----- \ | / \ / \ | \| |---- \_|_/ ___/ Sunday, August 2, 2009 USS Rebel Crusader Leaves IFT To Join PPI Effective August 1, 2009, the USS Rebel Crusader left the International Federation Of Trekkers to become affiliated with the Pride Power Imperium. The USS Rebel Crusader was originally commissioned as the USS Confederacy on July 14, 1999 and recently celebrated its 10th Anniversary. The ship has been in the International Federation of Trekkers since it was originally commissioned. Just prior to the USS Rebel Crusader leaving IFT for PPI, the following information about the ship was listed on the Home Page of its Yahoo Group: The USS Rebel Crusader (NFC-9902) is a Star Trek/Sci-Fi/Action Hero fan ship associated with the International Federation of Trekkers. We hold meetings, sponsor events, go to sci-fi related movies, attend conventions, discuss our experiences, share sci-fi related information, share hard science news and most of all know how to have fun. Even though we are Star Trek fans, many of our ship members enjoy watching Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Gallactica, Firefly and other sci-fi shows. Whatever your personal favorite genre is, you are welcome here. Slogan: "Rock Hard and Ready" Motto: "Never Go Off Half-Cocked" Quotation: "Wrong thinking is punishable; Right thinking will be as quickly rewarded!" (The Keeper - Talos IV) The officers and crew members of the USS Rebel Crusader are the following individuals: Commanding Officer -- Dr. Tom Stevens (Fleet Captain 3) Executive Officer -- Philip Manners (Captain 2) Second Officer -- Phil Schreiber (Junior Lieutenant 1) Chief of Operations -- Cavin F. Studebaker (Lt. Junior Grade 3) Chief Science Officer -- Nathan Schell (Lieutenant Junior Grade 3) Chief Medical Officer -- Angela Davis (Lt. Junior Grade 3) Engineering Chief -- Eric Slifkin (Ensign 2) Security Chief -- Rocco Fama (Ensign 1) Information Services Officer -- Richard Pollard (Lt. Junior Grade 3) Crew Member - Dallwyn Merck (Junior Lieutenant 1) Crew Member - Kirk Dolinski (Ensign 1) Crew Member - Jesse Greene (Ensign 1) Crew Member - Mark Lockwood (Ensign 1) A number of changes will need to be made now that the USS Rebel Crusader is associated with the Pride Power Imperium. Ship members are looking forward to this new adventure! ----------------------------